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Hi there,

In today’s video I’m going to walk you through an automated script written by Jeremy Davis for Sitecore 9.1 and how I’m able with minor adjustment to make it compatible with Solr 8.4.0, and to be able to install a SolrCloud with 3 Solr instances and 3 ZooKeeper services for Sitecore 10.1 support.

Please forgive me, for having some issues during the video, but I think it’s very good to see them yourselves so you exactly know what you have to be aware of during a SolrCloud install.

Here are some links that I’ve used in the video:

I hope you’ve found the video helpful. I’ll probably add a small video to the current one where we walk through the configuration a bit more to see how everything is configured, it for sure will give you a good insight into it.

A last big shout-out to Jeremy Davis for the original script and work he did. I learned a ton myself.

Happy Sitecore-ing!
