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“Content Search Deepdive, Sitecore Habitat & Sitecore with AngularJS” at the next SUGNL Meeting in The Netherlands

On February 11th 2016, there will be another SUGNL (Sitecore User Group Netherlands) meeting. This time it will be held at Sitecore partner Evident in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

It will be a sold out evening, with over 50 Sitecore enthusiast, that will learn on the above mentioned topics.

Sitecore User Group Netherlands (SUGNL) has been initiated to promote the Sitecore CMS within the Netherlands. The goal is to bring developers, marketeers and end-users in contact with each other and encourage them to use Sitecore to its fullest.

During the various meetings presentations are held concerning technical Sitecore CMS projects and demonstrations are given to show the possibilities of the Customer Experience Platform. Each presentation evening is hosted by a different Sitecore partner throughout the Netherlands. Anyone who is interested in Sitecore or content management is very welcome to join SUGNL.

Robbert Hock, owner of Kayee, and multiple Sitecore MVP is one of the founding members of SUGNL. Presentations will be held in the Dutch language.


The entire evening will be great, with great sessions and of course the networking part afterwards

Developer Track sessions:

ContentSearch Deep Dive
Sitecore Habitat
Sitecore & AngularJS: How they work together

More info

For more info: Visit the SUGNL website